Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Knitting in the summertime is sometimes a challenge. With all the humidity ,then add hands sticking to the yarn and needles. Where do you get relief? For me it comes in a couple of ways. I knit at my lys in the sun room which is air conditioned or stay up later at night and knit as it becomes cooler in the evening.

Knitting at the lys is not only productive it is a great time to catch up with everyone on goings on around town. A bunch of us are currently making afghan squares for an afghan to be auctioned off to help the local library with funds for a new and better building. A couple of us are thinking about continuing after this one is done and then giving them as needed, for example a house fire, homeless, as a comfort for someone who is ill. You get the idea, it would just be a way for us to give in a time where incomes are being stretched and then stretched more. We are hoping that as people clean out Stashes of yarn they will donate yarn not wanted to yarn left over from projects and we will do the rest.